Potato race for children at Labor Day celebration, Ridgway, Colorado
Boys' sack race, Labor Day celebration, Ridgway, Colorado
Spectators at the childrens' races, Labor Day celebration, Ridgway, Colorado
Barbecue pit on Labor Day, Ridgway, Colorado
Taking barbecue off the fire at the free barbecue on Labor Day at Ridgway, Colorado
Making barbecue sandwiches at the free barbecue on Labor Day at Ridgway, Colorado
Ringing the gong for dinner at the free barbecue on Labor Day at Ridgway, Colorado
Serving barbecue at the free barbecue on Labor Day at Ridgway, Colorado
Barbecue pits and people standing in line to be served at the free barbecue on Labor Day at Ridgway, Colorado
Woman and her baby waiting in line for barbecue on Labor Day at Ridgway, Colorado
Getting barbecue and coffee at the free barbecue on Labor Day at Ridgway, Colorado
Covering the barbecue sandwiches with paper plates to protect the food from the rain, Labor Day, Ridgway, Colorado
Photos by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration, September 1940 (Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Collection, Library of Congress)