A pair of truants, tending their father's mules, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Photo taken during school hours, near Oklahoma City. Boys are 9 and 11 years old: photo by Lewis W. Hine, April 1917
Eleven-year-old bakery worker Glenn Dungey. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, April 1917
Eleven-year-old bakery worker Glenn Dungey. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, April 1917
Alley scene, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, April 1917.
Junk gatherers, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, April 1917
Swipin' coal from the freight yards. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, April 1917
Just kids. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, April 1917
Small boy standing outdoors with dog, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, April 1917
A pair of truants, tending their father's mules, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Photo taken during school hours, near Oklahoma City. Boys are 9 and 11 years old: photo by Lewis W. Hine, April 1917
Eleven-year-old bakery worker Glenn Dungey. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, April 1917
Photos from National Child Labor Committee Collection, Library of Congress