R.B. Whitley, who was one of the first citizens of the town and is one of its leading citizens, owner of the general store, president of the bank, and owns a cotton mill nearby and a farm. He is a big land owner, owns Whitley-Davis farm and a cotton mill in Clayton. He said he cut down the trees and pulled the stumps out of the main street, and was the first man in that town of Wendell, Wake County, North Carolina: photo by Marion Post Wolcott, September 1939

Operator repairing break in thread in warp winding, Laurel Cotton Mill, Laurel, Mississippi: photo by Russell Lee, January 1939
Operator of spool winding machine making knot, Laurel Cotton Mill, Laurel, Mississippi: photo by Russell Lee, January 1939
Loom, Laurel Cotton Mill, Laurel, Mississippi: photo by Russell Lee, January 1939 
Spools of cotton thread with woman repairing break, Laurel Cotton Mill, Laurel, Mississippi: photo by Russell Lee, January 1939 
At the Mary Leila cotton mills in Greensboro, Georgia, October 1941: photo by Jack Delano, October 1941 
Company houses near cotton mill, Gadsden, Alabama: photo by John Vachon, December 1940
Mrs. W.T. Hendry and her children. Her husband works in the Mary Leila cotton mill in Greensboro, Greene County, Georgia: photo by Jack Delano, November, 1941
Interior of R.B.Whitley general store. A Negro who is president of an industrial school is trying to get a donation for its support from Mr. R.B. Whitley. Mr. Whitley owns a nearby cotton mill and practically runs the town. Wendell, Wake County, North Carolina: photo by Marion Post Wolcott, November 1939
Photos from Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Collection, Library of Congress