Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Avenue with No Name



Hallway of abandoned hospital in former East Berlin
: photo By S-b, June 2008

Avenida sin Nombre, as, if you have looked about yourself, you may have already gathered, is a street that has lost its memory.

It is a street that has forgotten it is a street and thinks instead that it is a tunnel, an intermediary passageway leading the approximately living and the intermittently sentient -- those who have managed despite the depredations of the present to retain at least some dim awareness of their surroundings -- toward, it is to be supposed, a place where oblivion will at last be complete.

It is lined all along on either side by high walls covered with peeling paint and here and there, sometimes for extended stretches, by commercial hoardings decorated with strange palimpsests of obscure hieroglyphic markings, maybe they are the texts of some sacred or for that matter not so sacred creed, no one now living has ever been able to make them out in such a way as to decipher their meaning, indeed many suppose them to have no meaning at all.

No one is quite sure where this street has its provenance or its terminus.

West Lawn -- Wrong Door: photo by Justin Hayes, 18 March 2009

File:Urban explorer Hobart CA Edt.jpg

An urban explorer under Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
: photo by JJ Harrison, 30 May 2008